Monday, December 3, 2007

I am sorry Little Lady it seems you forgot your Pants

Kids are just not what they used to be... Here's proof. I cannot believe that this girl was allowed out of her house. I don't know if she would still wear that if she had a 360 degree mirror like they do on TLC's "WHAT NOT TO WEAR" and realize her buns are out for all to see. So disgraceful so I had to be pervy and take a picture.


Stephanie and Casey said...

All I can say is ewww.

Jenn Ann said...

Double ewwwww!

Kim Thomas said...

Oh my! This is going into the what not to wear collection!

BTW: Yes, I actually have one on my blackberry pearl, a folder with "what not to wear" pics.

Teri said...

I would just die to wear this is public. My children would die to (from the hands of their father)

JD said...

HAHAHAH saw this when I searched for content for my site:

So, if you do an image search on google for "forgot pants," this comes up.